Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Peggy's New Years Resolution? Be a Better Blogger!!

Oh Internets. Please do not remind me where the path that is paved with good intentions leads. November rolled around and I was all, "I'm gonna blog all these great Christmas crafts I'm making to give as gifts!" And then I never did because I spent too much time making all the dang Christmas crafts! It's the pit I fall in LITERALLY every Christmas and after every Christmas I swear it'll be different but then a whole year goes by and I forget. This, coincidentally, is why I have three children. After the first, I could NOT comprehend that anyone would ever go through that again on purpose...then a little time passes, the memory fades and I thought "It wasn't THAT bad, right?" Wrong. It was. As was the Great Christmas Craft Debacle of 2014. Oh well. A new year has come and what good is a new year if you can't just leave the past in the past, right? If you can manage reading to the end of this post and I swear I'll make it up to you. 

So a lot of people (me) make these fantastic New Years resolutions. "I'm going to start jogging!" "I'm going to stick to a budget!" "I'm going to stop eating Oreos when Poquito Tito goes down for a nap!" Okay, so these are the resolutions I usually make and then by the time February rolls around, I have 4 Oreos and a glass of milk and a vague sense that maybe I don't want to do what I'm about to do but don't really know why, besides the obvious...am I alone here? (Please say no. I'm baring my heart and soul to you people!)

But I'm a BIG believer in do-overs. I believe--firmly--that every morning is a beautiful do-over. A chance to do better than I did yesterday. I WANT to jog (well, I can't, but that's a story for another day), I WANT to stick to a budget, I WANT to not want Oreos when my preschooler goes down for a nap and I don't have to share...but I forget. I get busy and I forget. For this reason, I was stoked to see this pin: Resolution Bracelets.

Now, I'm a girl who likes to give credit where credit is due (although, once, I was somewhere with my husband and someone complimented the salad we brought and I said "thank you" even though HE is the one who made it. Honestly, I wasn't really paying attention when I was being complimented so the "thank you" was purely automatic but he's never let me forget that I once hogged the credit for his salad. It was a one time thing, I swear! Man I'm tangent-y today!) and while the pin took me to the lifestyle blog Poppytalk (this is the link I used) which then references a website called Room 6, I couldn't find the actual item on either website, just the picture. So I recreated the whole project and I hope that doesn't create the situation I clearly have with The Boy and "the salad." 

When I started this project, I waaaay overcomplicated it..as I am wont to do. I busted out the lobster-clasps and crimping beads and jump rings and this was going to be a whole situation. Then I realized that was dumb and scaled way back. To some string and some pretty silver spacer beads. This is the string I used, although any string would do..baker's twine or embroidery floss...really whatever you have around. 

I eyeballed what seemed like a good length (the circumference of my wrist plus about 4 inches) and cut the string. I found the middle of the string and then tied a knot just to the side of the middle (this REALLY won't matter. You could even tie the knot in the middle and nothing earth-shattering will happen) and strung three beads on. I tied another knot at the end of the third bead to hold those puppies on and voila. It seems really silly to be explaining how I did this. Please don't be offended.

Now, it DID happen that my string frayed a bit and I struggled getting the bead on. When that happened, I just used some superglue on the ends and then the beads went on just fine. Easy peasy. Once I had the beads on, I held the ends of the string together then cut them so they would be even and I had a cute bracelet. 

I love how it turned out. It's simple and pretty..now, if you want something to take on and off you will need to go to clasp route. This is meant to tie on and leave until it falls off. If you'd like, you can go the slip knot route, just make sure your string is longer. 

I recreated the little card in Word and printed 4 of them on a sheet. I cut them out, cut a slit on either side to hold the bracelet and Bob's-your-uncle! Done. Pin Win! 

So to show my sincerest regrets that A. I've been a VERY inconsistent blogger and B. This is a really lame post because you don't need a tutorial for this, I'm going to give 4 of these away! So comment below and I'll pick 4 of you (or, the 4 of you who might leave a comment) to get one of these cute little Resolution Reminder Bracelets. Aren't gifts just the BEST? 

I really DO have some fun pins I'm excited to try..you'll be hearing from me again soon! Threat or promise? Only you can answer that question.


  1. Ooooooooooo, me want one!

    As always, way too fun to read!

  2. I'm already eating Oreos at nap time...I don't need a bracelet, I need someone to follow me around and slap food out of my hands...but a bracelet would be cool too. ❤️
