Oh hi there. Remember me?! I swear I write sometimes. And sometimes I would forget my head if it wasn't attached. In other words, I've been a little busy lately. But! I have a fun one for you today. I got married back in December. (And can I just say that my hubby is such a champ. He did the dishes for me while I was at work today. I hate dishes. A lot.) The first project I want to show you is actually something we used at my wedding. I'm not much of a shimmer and sparkle kind of girl. But I fell in love with the idea of fairy lights. Here's the original pin.
Gorgeous right? Problem was, there weren't any instructions! I had to go searching. Then I found this pin.
This one had instructions. But we actually discovered that the best way to do it was with a small piece of tulle to tie it instead of string. And we only put the tulle on every third-ish light bulb. It was beautiful though. Check it out!
Photo Cred alert! This is from my good friend/wedding photographer Tory. Check her out here! |
The only problem was how long these took to do. We only did two strands, and it took about 5 hours. No exaggeration. I was a little stressed. Do you know how hard it is to plan a wedding?! Who has time for 5 hour light projects?! Good thing my totally awesome Momma stepped in and took over on this one.
On to my next Pinterest adventure! I had more ribbon than I had any clue what to do with left over after my reception. If you search "Ribbon" on Pinterest, a lot comes up. Here's the one that struck my fancy.
My ribbon was sheer, so I had to alter a few things. For one, hot glue to make the loops was not a good idea. Talk about burnt fingers! So I tried sewing a few. But that was taking way, way, way too long. So I had to put my thinking cap on. And then it hit me! Staples!
This little guy was a gem. |
I lost count of my loops, so I just kept making them until I got through a few spools of ribbon. This is what they look like when they're done.
You can't really see the staple. Sorry for the bad picture! |
I did have to use hot glue to attach the ribbons to the frame. That wasn't quite as bad because I could apply the glue and let it almost cool and then add it to the wreath just in time for it to stick.
Ta-daaaaa! My beautiful wreath! |
It did take a very long time, as in 6ish hours, but I love the wreath, so it was worth it. Pinterest win! Only problem?
I still have all this ribbon left over... So bloggerverse, any suggestions on how to use up a whole bunch of ribbon? Suggestions are encouraged! Here's a sneak peek for you all. Our blog post about dawn dish soap and vinegar cleaning solution was such a hit that I've decided to do another post about all of the cleaning tips out there on dawn dish soap. You can thank me later. :) That's all folks, ta-ta for now!
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