Monday, October 20, 2014

Clean and white and... armpit stains? Eww.

I'm airing out all of my dirty laundry! (Literally?) This is embarrassing guys. I'm showing you my pit stains today! Awkward... ;) I'm sure you guys have seen this pin because I still see it about a gazillion times scrolling through my Pinterest feed. But I did promise another episode on the cleaning power of dawn dish soap. (What? That was like 4 months ago? Now where did the time go... Oops! Check out that promise here.) So here it is! My gross armpit stain removal post.

I always imagined putting my dirty laundry on the internet as being figurative...
You see that disgusting armpit stain? Full disclosure. That's not an old shirt. I bought it at the beginning of the summer. That's how gross it got in 5ish months. I was so frustrated because I feel like I only get one good use out of my white shirts and then they need to be thrown away. So depressing. I can't afford to only wear a shirt once! I'm poor, remember?! Geez universe. Throw me a bone here. (Get it? 'Cause bones are white?! Ha. Oh. Not funny? My bad.) So I finally got around to trying to do something about this little problem of mine.

This was the pin I saw first, but I actually used the instructions from the video found here.
So, by now I hope you all have these things on hand. Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and some dawn dish soap.  You'll need a scrubber of some kind too, I just used an old tooth brush. One of the shirts I did I really could have used a bigger scrubber though.

Then I got to scrubbing. This takes a lot of time. Fair warning. Then again, maybe if I didn't do it on every shirt I own all at once... Right. So you dump the peroxide, then some dish soap, then some baking soda and scrub it all in. And then just let it sit. I let mine sit for more than an hour because I went and ran a bunch of errands.
Scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub... I used a little too much dawn on this one, and not enough baking soda. It should be pretty pasty. But liquid enough to really get in there.

Ta-da! Perfectly good white shirt renewed. YEA!!! Pinterest for the WIN! :D


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