I'm airing out all of my dirty laundry! (Literally?) This is embarrassing guys. I'm showing you my pit stains today! Awkward... ;) I'm sure you guys have seen this pin because I still see it about a gazillion times scrolling through my Pinterest feed. But I did promise another episode on the cleaning power of dawn dish soap. (What? That was like 4 months ago? Now where did the time go... Oops! Check out that promise
here.) So here it is! My gross armpit stain removal post.
I always imagined putting my dirty laundry on the internet as being figurative... |
You see that disgusting armpit stain? Full disclosure. That's not an old shirt. I bought it at the beginning of the summer. That's how gross it got in 5ish months. I was so frustrated because I feel like I only get one good use out of my white shirts and then they need to be thrown away. So depressing. I can't afford to only wear a shirt once! I'm poor, remember?! Geez universe. Throw me a bone here. (Get it? 'Cause bones are white?! Ha. Oh. Not funny? My bad.) So I finally got around to trying to do something about this little problem of mine.
This was the pin I saw first, but I actually used the instructions from the video found here. |
So, by now I hope you all have these things on hand. Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and some dawn dish soap. You'll need a scrubber of some kind too, I just used an old tooth brush. One of the shirts I did I really could have used a bigger scrubber though.
Then I got to scrubbing. This takes a lot of time. Fair warning. Then again, maybe if I didn't do it on every shirt I own all at once... Right. So you dump the peroxide, then some dish soap, then some baking soda and scrub it all in. And then just let it sit. I let mine sit for more than an hour because I went and ran a bunch of errands.
Scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub... I used a little too much dawn on this one, and not enough baking soda. It should be pretty pasty. But liquid enough to really get in there.
Ta-da! Perfectly good white shirt renewed. YEA!!! Pinterest for the WIN! :D
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